How to be a badass: A stepwise guide

10 Feb

Step 1: Purchase this.


Step 2: Bake it up

fucking love baking

Step 3: Make some homemade chocolate buttercream frosting…


Step 4: Ice the cake. Or get your Mom to ice the cake for you if you don’t want to ‘mess it up.’

icing cake

Step 5: Eat the freakin cake. With family and friends, of course. Always makes it more enjoyable 🙂



Bake a chocolate cake for no real reason. CHECK!

Eat more cake

Much love and health,

Lauren xo

10 Responses to “How to be a badass: A stepwise guide”

  1. Chelsie S February 10, 2013 at 1:45 pm #

    You’ve heard what I have to say … all that’s left is ❤

  2. pickyrunner February 10, 2013 at 2:01 pm #

    Yeahhhh girl! This is awesome! I love cake of all kinds so I fully support this. You’re awesome 🙂

  3. Alex @ therunwithin February 10, 2013 at 4:34 pm #

    just … ah I love you. this made me giggle like all kinds of crazy

  4. M February 10, 2013 at 6:44 pm #

    Congratulations! I know how difficult this can be. I’m making February all about getting over some food fears (doughnuts, peanut butter cookies, sweet breads, and a bar of really good dark chocolate are on my list). I find that whenever I try to conquer these fear foods, I binge on a bunch of stuff that I don’t even really want. Have you struggled with this in your recovery process? Any tips?

    • thehomeostaticmindset February 10, 2013 at 6:47 pm #

      Good for you!!!! That all sounds great! Unfortunately though (or more like fortunately I guess!), I haven’t ever struggled with that. Just having a piece of something is super hard for me, so I don’t really know what I can say to help 😦 Maybe someone else could chime in with some advice??

  5. di @ life of di. February 11, 2013 at 4:52 pm #

    ‘I fucking love baking’ – YES! 🙂

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